Cambio Cognitive Therapy Psychologist Canada
A psychologist Canada option at a fraction of the cost
Cambio Cognitive Therapy is based in Merida, Mexico. The head psychologist is from Canada and speaks English and Spanish fluently. He is fully licensed and certified to practice psychology and has helped many people in Canada solve their problems for more than 10 years and 25 years experience overall.
Why a psychologist in Merida?
Well, besides the lower cost per session, about $75cad per session (via zoom) compared to the average $300cad from psychologists based in other places, he is friendly, caring and has a history of successfully helping people, fast. Experienced in grief counselling, marriage and couples counselling, depression counselling, anxiety management, specializes in neurodivergence (Autism, ADHD, Giftedness and combinations).
Cambio Counselling is a psychologist based in Merida, Yucatan. Fully bilingual, we (assistant and therapist) speak English and Spanish fluently, being both Canadian and Mexican. We specialize in couples counselling, anxiety counselling, anger management, depression counselling and stress management.
Virtual sessions via Zoom available around the world.
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